Monday, March 24, 2014

Social Media marketing

         Social media today has become the main outlet for entertainment, expression, advertising and pretty much everything you can think of today. If you remember ten years ago social media was just in the beginning stages and we all still communicated through phone, email, and we still received information from watching the news or just simply by word of mouth. Today social media has transformed the way we communicate, and has birthed a whole generation of social media dependent individuals. Most people when they wake up in the morning the very first thing that they do is check either Facebook, Instagram, or twitter. I know I'm guilty of it, and I can't be the only one who does it (LOL). Many times I often find myself with my phone in my hand and just surfing through Facebook then Twitter, and finally Instagram. Well these actions have opened up opportunities to businesses, companies, public figures, and anyone selling anything. 

         Social media has birthed a new kind of marketing and it is called "Social Media Marketing". Social media marketing is being able to advertise or market a brand, product, business, or person through any social media network. The benefits of SMM are endless and proves to be an inexpensive way to market, that is if you know how to market. Sure anyone can create a Facebook because they sell cookies and post a few statuses saying "buy my cookies" or "I make the best cookies". There are strategies and methods on how to properly market on these social media sites. I want to give you one tip without giving away to much information, when marketing a product through social media most people do not like to read long posts. If your posts are lengthy and full of a bunch words most people will just keep scrolling. You want your posts to be informative  and to the point, hit key points make your followers interested in you enough that they ask questions and they want to visit your website or talk personally to you. I could go on about this topic but I'll touch more on it on my next blog post!

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